Hajj: One Year Later

By: Hesham A. Hassaballa, M.D Embracing the Profound Spirituality of Hajj For the rest of my life, this time of year in the Islamic calendar will always be dear to me. This is the Hajj season, and Muslim pilgrims from all over the world are descending upon the holy [...]

2025-01-23T10:33:17+00:00January 22nd, 2016|Hajj, Pilgrimage|

My Journey to Islam

African-Americans Find Islam's Message of Equality and Justice Attractive Conversion to Islam among African-Americans is a significant feature of American Islamic life. In spite of a generally negative portrayal by the U.S. media, Islam is rapidly gaining converts in the U.S. One such conversion was that of African-American writer Steven [...]

2025-01-23T10:35:10+00:00January 22nd, 2016|Jihad, North America|


The Importance of Prophethood in Islam Prophethood is not unknown to heavenly revealed religions, such as Judaism and Christianity. In Islam, however, it has a special status and significance. According to Islam, God (Allah) created man for a noble purpose: to worship Him and lead a virtuous life based [...]

2025-01-23T10:35:28+00:00January 22nd, 2016|Submission|


The Decline of Family Values in Society We live in an age where the importance of family values is declining in society. Divorce rates are at an all time high, couples are marrying on average at older ages and the number of single parent families has increased. Overall, the [...]

2025-01-23T10:35:33+00:00January 22nd, 2016|Family|


How to Fast in Ramadan and Connect with God Fasting is an act of deep personal worship to God in which Muslims seek to raise their level of God-consciousness. The act of fasting redirects the heart away from worldly activities and towards the remembrance of God. Ramadan is the ninth [...]

2025-01-23T10:35:47+00:00January 22nd, 2016|Fasting, Ramadan|

Pilgrimage (Hajj)

Hajj: The Sacred Journey to Mecca Hajj literally means, “to continuously strive to reach one’s goal.” The Hajj, or Pilgrimage to Mecca, is a once-in-a-lifetime obligation for those who have the physical and financial ability to undertake the journey. The Spiritual Significance The Hajj is essentially a re-enactment of [...]

2025-01-23T10:35:52+00:00January 22nd, 2016|Hajj, Islamic Teachings, Pilgrimage|

Why Muslims Fast

The Purpose of Fasting in Ramadan: Attaining Taqwa An excerpt from AbdulWahid Hamid's Islam The Natural Way Every year, for one complete lunar month-the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, adult Muslims are required to fast. From dawn to sunset in the month of Ramadan, they refrain from all food [...]

2025-01-23T10:35:58+00:00January 22nd, 2016|Fasting, Ramadan|

What is the Quran?

Miracle of Allah and Final Testament to Humankind "The Quran: literally, 'that which is often recited.' A web of rhythm and meaning, the words of which throb through Muslim worship and which, at every point in the believer's life , break surface, sanctifying existence with [...]

2025-01-23T10:36:09+00:00January 22nd, 2016|The Holy Quran|
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