The Power of Unity in Islam: Experiencing Brotherhood and Umma

In a world often divided, Islam offers a powerful vision of unity. This unity isn't based on culture, nationality, or common interests. Instead, it's rooted in faith itself. At the heart of this Islamic unity are two key concepts: brotherhood (ukhuwah) and umma. Brotherhood in Islam goes beyond mere [...]

2024-09-05T11:49:56+00:00September 1st, 2024|Islam|

When your husband is a “born-again” Muslim: Marrying a Muslim man who recommits to his faith

Laura El Alam   Over the years. I’ve talked with dozens of fellow female converts to Islam, and a surprising number of them share a common narrative: they had met their husbands when they were young, often as university students. Back then, the men weren’t practicing their faith [...]

2024-08-11T10:24:16+00:00August 11th, 2024|Converts|

Faith, Resilience, and Justice: Islam’s Role in Sustaining Gaza’s People

In the face of devastating genocide, the people of Gaza have endured unimaginable suffering. Yet, many continue to display remarkable resilience. What gives them the strength to persevere in the midst of such extreme adversity? For many Gazans, the answer lies in their Islamic faith. This article explores how [...]

2024-09-05T11:55:25+00:00July 13th, 2024|Islam|

The Legacy of Colonization: Dehumanization and the Roots of Islamophobia

Colonization, a practice that shaped much of the modern world, left a mark on global history. While its economic and political impacts are widely discussed, the profound psychological and sociological effects of colonization are often overlooked. Among these, the dehumanization of colonized peoples and the rise of Islamophobia are [...]

2024-06-30T11:30:57+00:00June 30th, 2024|Islamophobia|

The Hajj’s Hidden Testimony: How Abraham’s Centrality Authenticates Muhammad’s Prophethood

One of the most striking aspects of Islam's most sacred ritual, the Hajj pilgrimage, is its overwhelming focus on the figure of Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic). This emphasis on Abraham, rather than on the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, himself, offers a compelling argument for the Prophet Muhammad's, [...]

2024-06-06T12:31:07+00:00June 6th, 2024|Hajj|
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