Coming to Islam: Stephanie

Habeeba Husain Growing up in a nonreligious household, Stephanie never thought twice about Islam. She had no connection to it. If anything, she considered herself opposed to what she thought she knew of the religion. “If you grow up in an Agnostic, Atheist, or non-practicing background, sometimes the [...]

2024-12-29T20:22:19+00:00December 28th, 2024|Converts|

My uncle, the Catholic priest, is one of my biggest supporters

Laura El Alam There are many sad, true stories of converts’ families rejecting or denouncing them because of their choice to follow Islam. Oftentimes, family members who are deeply religious are the ones who struggle most with accepting their loved one’s conversion. That is not always the case, [...]

2024-10-17T14:41:06+00:00October 17th, 2024|Converts, Family|

When your husband is a “born-again” Muslim: Marrying a Muslim man who recommits to his faith

Laura El Alam   Over the years. I’ve talked with dozens of fellow female converts to Islam, and a surprising number of them share a common narrative: they had met their husbands when they were young, often as university students. Back then, the men weren’t practicing their faith [...]

2024-08-11T10:24:16+00:00August 11th, 2024|Converts|
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