What is Unique About Jesus and Mary in Islam?

Islam holds Jesus (Isa in Arabic) and Mary (Maryam) in high regard, recognizing their spiritual significance while portraying their lives in a way that has many similarities with Christianity, but different ones as well. Both are celebrated for their piety, miraculous experiences, and dedication to God’s will, but the [...]

2024-11-24T13:58:25+00:00November 24th, 2024|Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)|

The Disciples of Jesus and the Companions of Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Jesus' Disciples and Muhammad's Companions: A Comparison Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was sent to the Children of Israel and was in need of individuals to support him. Similarly, the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) were his helpers and disciples. The Qurʾān speaks highly [...]

2023-08-27T15:56:19+00:00February 26th, 2018|Christianity, Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)|
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