Is Islam Intolerant of Religious Minorities?

Islam: Embracing Religious Minorities' Freedom of Practice Islam is a religion that not only “tolerates” religious minorities, but accepts them and defends their rights to practice their religion freely. Let me begin by noting that there is no country in the modern world that represents Islam. There are countries in [...]

2024-08-11T11:25:11+00:00December 12th, 2017|What do Muslims Believe?|

Reflection on Time

The Qur'an's Teachings on Time and the Hereafter One of the shortest, yet most powerful chapters in the Qurʾān states By time, verily man is in loss, except those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience (Qurʾān 103:1-3). [...]

2023-06-30T17:28:05+00:00October 30th, 2017|What do Muslims Believe?|
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