Consumerism and Islam

By: Uzma Saeed  The Dark Side of Excessive Consumption: Unused Possessions and the American Dream During the last holiday season, while passing by my neighbor's house, I couldn't help but notice their car parked outside the garage, prompting me to reflect on the epitome of the American dream. If you [...]

2023-06-20T18:42:14+00:00May 31st, 2023|Islam|

Rushing into Marriage as a Convert: Pressure, Predators, and Secret Wives

By: Laura El Alam Marriage in Islam: Why You Shouldn't Rush Into It “Marriage is half the deen (religion).” Muslims will often say this to emphasize the importance of finding a life partner. The actual hadith (saying of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him) is: “When a [...]

2023-06-20T16:13:04+00:00April 19th, 2023|Converts|

Understanding the Difference of Eid Days in the Muslim Community

The Diversity of Eid Dates and the Importance of Understanding Eid, which means "celebration" in Arabic, is one of the most important religious holidays celebrated by Muslims. It marks the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting, and is a time of joy, feasting, and community gatherings. However, one [...]

2023-06-21T02:21:15+00:00April 19th, 2023|Ramadan 1|

What is Success?

By: Uzma Saeed Unveiling the Hidden Truth of Success: Beyond Wealth and Fame Yesterday, I tuned in to a podcast where the host and guest were accomplished young men. They seemed to have everything one could desire - mingling with influential people, indulging in their purchases, and traveling to various [...]

2023-06-20T20:03:49+00:00March 26th, 2023|Islam|
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